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C. R. Nichol vs M. L. Lawrence (Christian Church)
July 19, 1923
McQueen, Oklahoma

(By Lee Sanders)

June 26-29 at McQueen, Okla.

On first day bro. Nichol affirmed that the singing authorized in the worship of the church of Christ was without the accompaniment of instrumental music. On 2nd day Mr. Lawrence affirmed that he scriptures authorize the use of instrumental music in worship - such as the harp, organ and flute. On 3rd day Mr. Nichol affirmed that all mission work should be done by the church. On 4th day Mr. Lawrence affirmed that the scriptures authorize the use of human missionary societies - such as the United Christian Missionary Society with its by laws and constitution.

Mr. Lawrence made his first fight on the Greek word "psallo." He argued that it always meant a musical instrument; but in this he failed, as bro. Nichol was able to show by the translators of the N.T. and other authorities that in the N.T. it had no such meaning, but instead means to sing praises (Jam.5:13).

On the Missionary Society Lawrence fell far below his effort on the music question. In fact, he offered only a few scriptures, and these were not proof in his favor. He spent most of this time in trying to prove how much more they were doing than we were. Bro. Nichol turned this against him. The Roman Catholics were doing more than anyone. According to Lawrence's logic we all should join the Catholics. Bro. Nichol showed beyond question that the United Christian Miss. Soc. is purely a human concern, without divine authority, and that it is controlled by them; and that it is taking into its membership the unbaptized, and even supporting them in mission work. They thus send out as preachers men, who, according to Lawrence himself, are not children of God.

