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C. R. Nichol vs H. B. Taylor (Missionary Baptist)
December 23, 1915
Belmont, Mississippi

(By G. A. Dunn)

Held at Belmont, Miss., Nov. 23--26

It is usual for both sides to claim the victory in debates, but it is thought that not many Baptists will claim the victory this time. The Baptists felt the defeat.

On the establishment of the church , Mr. Taylor said that the Holy Spirit dispensation, the last dispensation, began on Pentecost - a good confession for a Baptist preacher. I wonder how many Baptist preachers will say so?

On his proposition that one is saved before and without baptism, Taylor gave him the same "hash" that they generally give. He had two faiths: and after first arranging in this order the following (faith, repentance, prayer, faith) he later mixed all together at the same time and seemed to think that the order of occurrence was all together.

On the operation of the Spirit, he said that the alien sinner could not receive the word at all, but first must be made spiritual, a Christian, before he could receive the Spirit. Hence, the word has nothing at all to do with the conversion of the sinner. Pretty close to the "old hard-shell" position.

Taylor's position on apostasy caused him to take the position that this sins that Baptist commits are good for him. Quite an inducement. He claimed that Baptists can and do sin, but that their sins are good for them. So sin is not "exceeding sinful" with Baptists. (Rom.7:13)

The debate went off nicely. Large crowds came. 17 gospel preachers were there. Bro. Nichol made many friends and abundantly showed he could take care of Mr. Taylor. I have been with bro. Nichol in several debates and consider him more than a match for any false doctrine.

