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C. R. Nichol vs A.A. Hensler (Baptist)
February 23, 1908
Amory, Mississippi

(By G. A. Dunn)

Held 8 miles N. E. of Amory, Miss. Jan 7-16.

The propositions discussed: Baptism, apostasy, Establishment of the church. The debaters were polite and pleasant and so was the crowd. Nothing ugly stirred bad feelings. The debaters spent time of propositions and gave no time to mud slinging. Such debates cannot be conducive of evil. Mr. Hensler is a pleasant man and good as the Bap. have in the South. C. R. Nichol us too well known to need any comment here as to his ability and deportment.

The Baptist may speak for themselves. I voice the sentiment of the entire congregation when I say the debate was highly enjoyed by the Christians. Bro. Nichol's is "equal to the occasion" at any time or any place. He is a good soldier of the cross.

