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W. E. Morgan vs L. L. Chatman (Missionary Baptist)
May 2, 1912
Kirksey, Kentucky

(By F. O. Howell)

Held at Hickory Grove meeting house 4 miles east of Kirksey, Ky. Bro. Morgan held meeting and was challenged by the Baptists.

Mr. Chatman said: "Morgan made about the same arguments all 'Campbellites' make on the church question, but never told when it was set up, only after the death of Christ. Morgans answer: "Established it at Pentecost."

Chatman in his last speech ran out of material before his time ran out. He then closed his Bible and scrap book and stood and many assertions. Not only L. R. Riley (Chatman's moderator) but all the Baptists hung their heads in shame.

Morgan affirmed baptism for the remission of sins. Riley said: "He left unanswered many arguments from Chatman which he could not or would not meet." Bro. Morgan made usual responses Read from J. W. Wilmarth and other Baptists one Acts 2:38. "When Campbellites translate 'eis' in order to, they translate correctly." Bro. Morgan showed in every case Chatman produced that the blessing was received by faith, that the faith expressed itself in some physical action before the blessing was bestowed or received."

The Baptists said Chatman did not meet bro. Morgan's arguments. One Baptist preacher wished someone else was in Chatman;s place. They wore long faces.

