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Luke Miller vs S. C. Johnson (Jesus Only)
September 25, 1952
Miami, Florida

(By W. Ray Duncan)

Miller - Johnson debate at Miami, Fl. The debate was conducted in the old John Wanamaker church building. More than 2,000 attended the first night.

Johnson interrupted bro. Miller and refused to have rules and propositions and has bragged over the air that he can stop any man's mouth in 5 minutes. Bro. Miller spoke 1 hour and 57 minutes the first night and Johnson called off the debate.

The 2nd night bro. Miller spoke about an hour and Johnson again closed the debate. So far we can see that Johnson is completely devoid of honesty and fairness, and were it not for the good done for others it would be useless to debate him. Mr. Johnson receive a warning from the radio station to stop his vicious attacks on the church of Christ or else be put off the air.

