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Wayman D. Miller vs Marshall Conner (Christian - No future punishment)
April 4, 1946
Hope, Arkansas

(By W. Curtis Porter)

On March 28, 29 at Hope, Ark. Marshall Conner is the son of Thomas L. Conner, who is the ringleader of the new heretics, who do not believe in a future judgment.

Conner affirmed: "The scriptures teach that the intermediate state of the dead was destroyed when Christ arose from the dead, and that man's judgment takes place in his lifetime in the Christian dispensation." Miller affirmed: "The scriptures teach that, in addition to the judgment he received in this life, there will be a judgment fro man after death at the second coming of Christ."

Miller did a good work in exposing the heretical teaching espoused by Conner and those who stand with him. Under pressure, Conner denied any future personal coming of Christ, or that there would be a bodily resurrection when the Lord comes. It has long been apparent that this group of heretics do not believe in a future personal coming of Christ, but they had so far refused to commit themselves on the question. It will be well for the brotherhood to remember this.

Not only should these men be rejected because they preach the heresy of "no judgment after death," and thus deny the plain statements of scripture; but they should also be rejected because of their stand on the coming of Christ and the resurrection. Do you think that men should be regarded as gospel preachers when they deny any personal coming of Christ? Do you think you should encourage men who deny a future bodily resurrection? If not, then you should mark and avoid these men, for they definitely deny the principles of divine truth.

In attendance: 2 Baptists, 3 heretics and 19 gospel preachers.

