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R. E. McCorkle vs T. E. Pinegar (Missionary Baptist)
September 20, 1903
Cardova, Alabama

(By E. J. Pinegar - brother of Baptist debater)

In this debate my brother in Christ was on one side and my fleshly brother was on the other side; yet I feel that I am giving both sides justice when I say that it was a grand victory for the truth.

While I can say that my fleshly brother, T. E. is the ablest Baptist minister that I ever heard (and bro. McCorkle says that he is the ablest and fairest Baptist whom he has ever met in debate), bro. McCorkle was too far his superior, as he had the truth on his side. My fleshly brother, T.E., has too much refinement about him to stoop so low as to use the name "Campbellite," which was not used during the entire discussion. The best of friendship and brotherly love prevailed during the discussion. Both of the speakers are clean gentleman, and it seemed that both speakers and the people were engaged in an effort to find the truth and follow it.

