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Wilson Mallory vs B. E. Kesler (Church of the Brethren - Dunkards)
September 17, 1908
Stanley, Wisconsin

(By A. C. Machel)

Wilson Mallory in debate with B.E. Kesler at the Dunkard building in Stanley, Wis.

Each affirmed: "The church of which I am a member is identified in faith, doctrine, and ordinances with the church established by Christ, and which is discussed in the scriptures."

Debate closed with best of feeling. Mr. Kesler is a very able speaker and no doubt upheld the doctrine of his church as well as anyone they could select. In age and experience he is bro. Mallory's superior; and had he been on the side bro. Mallory upheld and bro. Mallory on the other, there would have been no show for our worthy brother. Nevertheless truth was the victor, for "the Lord watches over his word to perform it." "Thy word is truth."

Bro. Mallory receives much credit for upholding the cause of Christ against error, as we believe, and the brethren here are well satisfied with the arguments he presented. No doubt much good has ben done which will be manifested in the days to come. Some of the members of the Church Of The Brethren (Dunkards) at the opening of the debate boasted of the superior ability of Mr. Kesler, but before the close they said bro. Mallory was his superior.

