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J. F. Love vs O. Starling (Mormon)
Date Unknown
Samson, Alabama

(By J. H. Hines)

This debate held at Samson, Ala.

Bro. Love affirmed: "The church known as the church of Christ is authorized by the word of God and is scriptural in origin, organization, faith, doctrine, name and practice" - "the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments contain the full and complete revelation of the will of God to man." Starling affirmed: "Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God, and the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church, with the same power and authority as of former days."

Starling is very weak, the weakest man that I have ever seen come before the public. Bro. Love surely did put to silence the gainsaying (Tit.1:9) for Starling never answered an argument he made. Bro. Love is a strong debater and defender of the church and word. J. L. Hines kept time and preached at night. Two young ladies obeyed the gospel.

