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W. F. Ledlow vs J. H. Milburn (Baptist)
May 31, 1906
Slatonville, Arkansas

(By W. F. Ledlow)

Held at Slatonville, Ark. May 5 - for 4 days.

Subjects - Milburn affirmed: Total depravity
Ledlow (of Gunter, TX.) affirmed: Design of baptism.

The writer (Ledlow) baptized 11 after the debate closed - 3 Baptists, 2 Methodists and a woman Holiness preacher. One brother who wandered into infidelity arose during the debate and stated his trouble was settled and the truth was made plain. His trouble was removed by our discussing the nature of Christ while debating the depravity question.

Milburn is a strong man, but is an easy man to meet. He will resort to almost anything to carry his point, but men who know how to debate can defeat him with ease. The Baptists are not pleased with the debate and are now opposed to debates.

