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J. H. Lawson vs Mr. Shamberger (Dunkard)
May 10, 1906
Ames, Ontario, Canada

(By J. H. Lawson)

Ames, Ontario, April 16-22. Two discussions each day.

Mr. Shamberger of Alberta, Can. represented the German Baptist. Mr. Shamberger, regarded as strongest man they have, but he manifested weakness in getting "rattled" often. I desire no easier work that meeting a Dunkard. This was my 49th debate. Many brethren from Okla. and Kansas; J. M. Harrell (moderator), Slayton Gall, B. F. Martin, A. J. Rhodes, Jeff D. Morgan, J. D. Bayer, E. C. Fokes, W. S. Brewer, J. F. Stagner, W. F. Parmiter. I enjoyed the association of these faithful soldiers and found them all firmly set for the defense of the gospel. Good feeling prevailed and much good accomplished.

