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J. H. Lawson vs J. M. Thompson (Primitive Baptist)
March 8, 1900
Location Unknown

(By E. G. Sewall)

Each affirmed: "The church to which I belong is scriptural in origin, doctrine, and practice." This subject included: Estab. of church, church succession, communion, design of baptism, and apostasy.

Review of debate - Mar. 8, 1900. Thompson is a wordy man but failed to try to locate the origin of his church at any specific time or place by the word of God. He spent much time on general history of the church to prove there were people who taught as the Primitive Baptist do. Bro. Lawson pressed him to name the time and place but he never produced the Baptist Church. He tried to establish his doctrine of election with much needless repetition.

Lawson affirmed the time and place of the church of Christ was established by the N. T. and how people entered it. This was briefly but plainly done. Both debaters are men of talent, and both very ready in language.

