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O. C. Lambert vs W. W. Crouch (Missionary Baptist)
September 29, 1927
Dunlap, Tennessee

(By W. C. Phillips)

In auditorium of high school at Dunlap, Tenn. Continued 5 days with two sessions daily.

General church propositions. Crouch is a Miss. Bap. and he came as near proving church identity as a Miss. Bap. can. He proved there was a church on Pentecost and that John the Baptist was a missionary; therefore, the Miss. Bap. Church was already in existence on Pentecost. This is as good logic as the Baptist can put out. He denied that the church and kingdom are the identical.

Crouch finally got the Bap. Church set up on a little mountain (Lk. 6). He said the body was first composed of the 12 apostles, and that this was the time they were set in the church, as stated in I Cor. 12:28. Bro. Lambert showed by Eph. 4:7-13 that this "setting in" took place after Christ rose from dead and ascended to heaven. Crouch denied that the church was ever spoken of in the Bible in the aggregate or universal sense. Then, forgetting his denial, I presume, he spoke of "the members of the Baptist church everywhere" of which he said he was one.

Crouch said that the H. S. was given this body, or church, on the day of the resurrection of Christ, and gave John 20:19-22 as proof. Bro. Lambert showed by John 20:24-26 that Thomas was not with the others on that occasion, and that, admitting that the other disciples did receive the H. S. on the day of his resurrection, one of them, at least, did not have the Spirit.

Crouch conceded that bro. Lambert was right as to the founder, the foundation, the name, the creed, the offices, and made but few objections to the items of worship; but he said he "maliciously" repudiated and despised the law of pardon as bro. Lambert set forth in the "great commission."

Mr. Crouch showed more fairness and honesty than any other Baptist I have ever seen. I have believed all the while that Baptist preachers "maliciously" hate the N. T. law of pardon to an alien sinner, but I do not remember hearing one of them just come out and acknowledge it before.

Bro. O. C. Lambert is an able defender of the truth and to honest thinking minds he proved his points.

