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George A. Klingman vs R. A. Taylor (Separate Baptist)
Estill Springs, Tennessee

(By C. E. Woolridge)

June 12-15 at Estill Springs, Tenn.

For two days Taylor affirmed: "The scriptures teach that the H. S. operates independently of the preached word in the regeneration of alien sinners." For two days bro. Klingman affirmed: "The scriptures teach that Christian baptism is for (in order to) remission of sins."

In Mr. Taylor's closing speech he expressed his doubt if Jesus ever said what Mark reports as his words in Mk.16:9- 20) making a few statements and reading a few quotations from men to indicate some doubt as to its authorship. This indicates how hard pressed he was for something against bro. Klingman's arguments.

The debate was unpopular at first but grew in favor. Some sessions could not seat all the people. In the main the debate was on a high plane. I think that by his reverential way of dealing with God's truth and using His and the H. S's. names, and his unselfish and simple manner of presenting his propositions, and proofs, bro. Klingman did a most excellent job. C. E. Woolridge was his moderator. Several preaching brethren were there.

