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S. M. Jones vs T. L. Wilkinson (Methodist)
April 19, 1900
Jordan Station, Ontario, Canada

(By L. E. Huntsman)

Debate at Jordan Station, 15 miles west of Niagara Falls, beginning Monday, Feb. 5 and closing Feb. 12.

1) A burial in water is the only mode of baptism - i.e., water baptism taught in the scriptures. Jones affirmed.
2) the scriptures that baptism in water is for the remission of sins. Jones affirmed.
3) Infant children of believers are proper subject for Christian baptism. Wilkinson affirmed.

Good attendance considering the weather. Less display of partisan feeling than usual. The disciples of this locality were well pleased with bro. Jones in this discussion. He calmly and earnestly affirmed his propositions, quoting again and again the scriptures which plainly supported his position. He also found time to give several powerful and eloquent exhortations to obedience and take the safe course.

As usually happens, partisans were made stronger, while those with open minds learned something of the truth. The opinion of the latter is voiced in the following statement, made on Friday evening at the close of the discussion (privately, of course): "I am neither a Methodist nor a disciple, but I can understand Jones; I cannot understand Wilkinson, and I do not believe he understands himself."

