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A. P. Jackson vs T. F. Moore (Baptist)
March 29, 1900
Cottage Grove, Tennessee

(By E. C. L. Denton)

Held at Cottage Grove, Tenn. March 6-9.

This was bro. Jackson's first debate. Moore is an old experienced, Baptist debater. Moore is the fairest debater I ever heard among Baptists; hence, he is a pleasant and easy man to debate with. He is also a man of ability, but he failed utterly to prove the New Testament church was set up during the personal ministry of Jesus. He had no scriptures to support it. Bro. Jackson showed these obstacles: without shedding of blood; without gift of the Holy Spirit; no crucified Savior; without a head. Bro, Jackson is a good debater for a boy. He is full of points and arguments. There were 6 Christian preachers and 5 Baptists. Bro. W.T. Boaz moderated for Jackson.

