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H. D. Jackson vs N. R. Heckman (Seventh-Day Adventist)
October 18, 1919
Aplin, Arkansas

(By R. C. Ledbetter)

Aug. 18-24 under Adventist tent at Aplin, Ark.

Adventists challenged for the debate. Heckman proposed to discuss the eternal punishment proposition, but after talking with bro. Jackson a few minutes he declined to debate his own subject. Bro. Jackson's first time to meet 7th D. Adv., but he answered every argument Heckman made.

Before the debate started Heckman wanted three days to discuss the Sabbath, but only used 1-1⁄2 days. When the time was up bro. Jackson offered him $10 to continue his affirmative one half day longer, but Heckman reclined thus to do. Heckman admitted to bro. Jackson that the old law had been done away with, except the ten commandments (that which was written on tables of stone). Bro. Jackson read II Cor. 3 showing that that was done away also. Bro. Jackson agreed to give Heckman a deed to his home if he would show where any one, either Jew or Gentile, was ever commanded to keep the Sabbath day after the death of Christ. Members of the church of Christ were pleased with Jackson.

