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C. W. Ing vs Ben Bogard (Baptist)
December 15, 1921
Near Marvell, Arkansas

(By H. J. Sudbury)

Bro. Ing from Hillsboro, Tx. Bogard from Little Rock, Ark. Debated Nov. 21-24 at the Cypert church of Christ, near Marvell, Ark.

This debate was conducted on a high plane, with good spirit existing between the two disputants throughout the debate. The community was drawn closer together and both sides felt good was done. The general church proposition was debated. Bro. Ing pressed his opponent to show that one member of the N. T. church was ever called a Baptist, even in derision. No effort was made to do this, and this failure was a very eloquent argument for the truth. On apostasy, Mr. Bogard was driven to say that it would be possible for a child of God to steal a horse and die without ever having confessed it, and yet be saved. This admission brought forth considerable comment from those who were not church members. Bro. Ing stressed the danger connected with the doctrine of "impossibility of apostasy" showing that a Christian might take it as a license to sin. This was bro. Ing's 62 debate - and efficient soldier, well armed and handles the Bible with force.

