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Willie Hunter vs A. J. Sloan (Baptist)
October 6, 1927
Tompkinsville, Kentucky

(By D. H. Knight)

Met in a 6 days debate at Tompkinsville, Ky. Each man affirmed for 3 days his general church proposition. This was their second time to debate.

Those who attended both debates say Sloan was weaker in this debate. Possibly one cause was the embarrassing condition under which he was forced to labor; the Baptist (Baptist Board) voted not to attend the debate. Hence, Sloan was put between two fires throughout the discussion, although some of the Baptists and pastor at Tompkinsville got restless after debate started and began to fight for their suffering cause. Sloan floundered hopelessly for 3 days to set up Miss. Baptist Church, but in vain. His opponent showed that all his efforts were futile.

Bro. Hunter in his 3 days affirmation used a chart that set forth hundreds of passages of scripture the Bible doctrine of the church of Christ, which Sloan brushed aside by saying, "It is every word false from beginning to end."

Some rather amusing things happened. Sloan stated with emphasis that no true Baptist will eat the Lord's supper with any people but Baptists. Bro. Hunter then responded by reading a letter from E. L. Powell, pastor of First Christian Church, of Louisville, Ky. dated May 25,1927, stating that the president of William Jewell College at Liberty, Mo., Rev. H. C. Wayman, preached in Powell's church on Sunday during the recent Baptist Convention in that city, and remained over for the communion service and ate the supper with them without any embarrassment. This Sloan could not fix up, and his brethren were very unhappy.

On apostasy Sloan took the old Baptist stand - a child of God can get drunk, murder, lie, steal, commit fornication and go right to heaven even if he should die in the very act. Bro. Hunter clearly exposed this doctrine, to the delight of all lovers of the truth.

Sloan was very nice and did not call us "Campbellites" one time in the six days, and many said the debate would do much good. Some Baptists have already taken a stand with the N. T. church. Large crowds attended. The Christians treated us royally and stood by us in a generous way.

