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F. O. Howell vs T. F. Lowrey (Baptist)
January 7, 1926
Near Wiedersville, Tennessee

(By F.O. Howell)

Held at Liberty Baptist Church, 12 miles east of Wiedersville, Tenn. Dec. 2-3, 1925.

Mr. Lowrey affirmed: plan of salvation by faith only; F.O. Howell affirmed: apostasy. Lowrey refused to affirm: total depravity, direct operation of H. S., establishment of church.

Baptists have been whipped so hard in debate with our brethren that it is difficult to get them into a debate of any sort, to say nothing of getting them to affirm propositions that clearly set forth the points of difference between Baptist and church of Christ.

Mr. L. mentioned that Abraham, Noah, Moses, Elijah and Job were saved without baptism. If they can be saved without, so can we. He could not grasp the fact they lived before baptism was a part of the Divine law. Mr. Lowrey argued that Christ saved without baptism during his personal ministry and he will save today also without baptism. He seemed unable to grasp the fact that the church, while he lived, executed his own will in person and dispensed with his good as he pleased; but after his death, all humanity must comply with the conditions set forth in the will and testament to become beneficiaries of all promised blessings. The fact that there being a change in the priesthood made of necessity a change in the law is a divine truth that seems impossible for Baptist preachers to grasp. The fact that Jesus had power on earth to forgive sins, but when he left the earth he left his divine plan in the hands of his own selected messengers to be carried out according to his direction, is a truth that Baptist preachers are unable to grasp.

When Howell showed N. T. the plan of salvation and many examples with baptism the crowning act of conversion, Mr. Lambert was wholly unable even to stammer an answer. Lowrey admitted the new birth was accomplished in baptism - and - salvation recorded in Mk. 16:16 is reached after baptism. On apostasy Howell gave hundreds of scriptures, only a few were touched by Lowrey.

Good weather and large country church house overflowed with people to hear.


