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F. O. Howell vs John R. Clark (Baptist)
December 10, 1925
Clover Point, Tennessee

(By Allen Phy)

This debate at Clover Point, in Hardeman Co. Tenn - Nov. 24-27. General church prop. Both men affirmed for two days. Allen Phy moderated for Howell.

Mr. Clark utterly failed to prove one point of Baptist doctrine. His attempt at trying to prove Baptist succession was little more than a gesture. His attempts at Baptist doctrine like apostasy, closed communion, voting on members, baptism for remission of sins, total depravity, resulted in an absolute failure on his part. He made his strongest fight on apostasy, but was buried under Howell's avalanche of scriptures which ruined his position. Mr. Clark often used expressions as "Campbellite," "anti-organ Campbellites" and expressions of like nature. It must be said to Clark's credit that he has the courage to try to defend his doctrine. Much of his speeches were pointless harangues. Bro. Howell ably proved his points. Brethren were well pleased.

