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J. L. Hines vs J. H. Taw (Baptist)
March, 1917
Provo, Kentucky

(By J.L. Hines)

March 13-16 at Provo, Ky., a Baptist stronghold.

Discussed: Baptism - establishment of church - apostasy. The Baptist leaders admitted defeat. The moderator for Taw, J. W. Wheeler, made dramatic entrance and signed propositions with J. L. Hines. Later in the debate he said: "I will not meet Hines in debate. No man on earth can meet his Bible arguments."

The debate was nice until 2nd day closed. Bro. C. H. Baker propounded the gospel in its purity, thus shaking the mudslinging. Taw then said: "I object, you are not fit to preach the gospel, not having been to the mourner's bench." However, the invitation was given and a great multitude rushed the preacher, some shouting one thing, some another, for 1 hour. It was like Paul at Philippi. On 3rd and 4th days, the Baptists became furious and lost their cool. Hines stayed cool and smiled at the uproar. He sent the sword of the Spirit to their hearts with telling effect. Mr. Wheeler said: "I'll meet W. T. Boaz." Well, we'll see.

