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John T. Hinds vs B. E. Kesler (Dunkard)
October 19, 1911
Laketon, Texas

(By L. D. Cummins)

A lively debate at Laketon, Tex. General church propositions discussed.

On the time of the establishment of the church Kesler offered the usual argument. He placed much emphasis upon the word "purchase" and wanted to know if Jesus bought a non-entity. Bro. Hinds replied by asking if Jesus bought him (Kesler), and if so, if he bought a non-entity? Kesler denied that Jesus died for him.

Kesler challenged bro. Hinds, while discussing the priesthood of Jesus and the time of the offering, to show where blood was ever taken into the most holy place. By turning to Lev. 16 the challenge was met. Hence, the offering was not consumed until Jesus entered heaven with his blood for sin.

On the subject of foot washing, another mistake was made by Kesler. He placed the laver in the holy place, which was a type of the church, and the washing of the priest's feet at the laver was a type of the priest's feet at the laver was typical of Christians washing feet in the church. Kesler made all this in earnest; but when shown his mistake, he acknowledged it, but stated that it made no material difference.

The "prayer veil," "Lord's supper," "communion service," "non-conformity," "non resistance," and "non secrecy" all came up under Kesler's affirmative, also the "holy kiss." While Kesler made some mistakes, he was the ablest man I ever heard our brethren debate with. A stenographer was present and the discussion is to be printed in book form. Many rich things occurred on trine immersion. Bro. Hinds was equal to the occasion.

