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John T. Hinds vs Mr. Platt (Come-Outer)
August 24, 1905
Evansville, Arkansas

(By John T. Hinds)

These "come-outers" are a peculiar people who reject water baptism, the Lord's supper, and all church organization. They spiritualize everything and claim the Jewish law was binding till the year 64 A.D. and from that time all has been spiritual.

Mr. Platt affirmed that water baptism is the one and only baptism of the new covenangt, and is in order to remission of sins. Mr. Platt is perhaps the leading man of the "come-outers." He is very pleasant in debate, and if he had the truth he would be worth much to the cause of Christ. He is easily met if one knows how to explain such circumstances as Paul's circumcising Timothy, shaving his head, and keeping the four men to purify themselves when they had a vow. These circumstances should be well studied before attempting a debate with these people.

