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John W. Hedge vs D. N. Jackson (Landmark Baptist)
March 31, 1927
Bearden, Arkansas

(By D.C. Williams)

Feb. 15-18 at Bearden, Ark.

D. N. Jackson affirmed: "The baptism of John the Baptist belongs to the gospel or Christian dispensation" - "the child of God (one who is born again) is forever, or for all time to come, freed from a possibility of so apostatizing as to be lost in hell."

Jackson is a fluent, forceful speaker, and most of the time fair with his opponent. On apostasy Jackson said: "A child of God can and does sin." When asked as to which sins, the body or the soul, he replied: "Neither one, but the carnal nature (of man) sins." Hence, according to Baptist doctrine, or Jackson's version of it, the carnal nature of man is the child of God. This only shows what an absurdity one is forced to when he begins to advocate error.

Before Jackson was through with his second speech he was quoting I John 3:9 trying to prove that a child of God cannot sin. He fell hard on the question of apostasy, as well as other propositions. I think truth was victorious.

