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Report of Hardeman/Boswell Debate
J. C. McQuiddy
June 7, 1923

At Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, Tenn, May 31 - June 5.

Fully 6,000 heard the opening speeches and paid closest attention to the arguments. Boswell did not quote one verse to support his proposition. Both speakers have agreed as to the primary meaning of the word "psallo," and also that a word never loses entirely its primary meaning. Both have agreed that it means to touch, pluck and twang - it is also agreed that this was done during the Jewish dispensation on a mechanical instrument; but Hardeman has contended that in the N. T. dispensation it is done on the heart, and has quoted Eph. 5:19 "making melody in your heart" to as proof.

Bro. H. repeatedly called upon Boswell to show what instrument is used in the N. T., but without avail. Boswell said you could sing with or without it. And Christian liberty gives him the right to do this. If instrumental music inheres in the word "psallo," it must be done, and no man has the right to leave it out. Each member would have to have an instrument.

I have been reliably informed that bro. Carey E. Morgan felt called upon to bolster his brethren at Vine Street Christian Church last Sun. morning. He was not happy with Boswell's efforts to prove his proposition. But he said he was satisfied. I must say that bro. Morgan is easily satisfied and that his face during the debate is far from being a bracer to his brethren. Bro. Hardeman's work is first class.

An incomplete list of preachers present: L. L. Brigance, E. A. Elam, H. Leo Boles, S. H. Hall, R. P. Cuff, S. M. Spears, John T. Lewis, E. G. Creasy, L. B. Jones, C. M. Pullias, A. D. Dies, J. Petty Ezell, J. T. Harris, F. W. Smith, F. B. Srygley, J. W. Grant, J. D. Derryberry, Charles L. Talley, B. F. Wright, A. L. Russell, Prince Billingsley, J. Paul Slayden, J. G. Malphurs, James A. Allen, R. H. Young, G. W. Farmer, J. L. Walling, J. T. Oakley, F. B. Taylor and J. E. Green.

