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Flavil Hall vs C.B. Stephenson (Seventh-Day Adventist)
December 25, 1919
Jennings Lake, Florida

(By T.H. Milton)

To the disciples, greetings: We, the undersigned, members of churches of Christ near Jennings Lake, Florida, where the recent six days debate on the Sabbath and Lord's day question was held between C. B. Stephenson (President of Florida Conference of Seventh Day) and Flavil Hall, take great pleasure in giving the strongest assurance --

1) That the victory for the truth as pleaded by our representative was absolutely complete.

2) That Mr. Stephenson, thought put forth by the Adventists as their champion debater for many years, went down in inglorious defeat in his affirmation on the first proposition: "Resolved, that Christians are under obligations to keep the law of the ten commandments, or Decalogue."

3) That we feel that we were lifted and carried upon the clouds of glory as our representative wielded the sword of the Spirit and brought forth the testimony of saints and martyrs of the first and second centuries (Barnabas, Ignatius, Justin Martyr, Igrenaeus and Clement) in support of his proposition: "Resolved, that the first day of the week is the Lord's day and that Christians should meet on that day to partake of the Lord's supper."

4) That the conviction that our representative won was general.

5) That the people were generally deeply impressed with his Christian conduct in discussion.

6) That we have learned that he is not only a good man and a good preacher, but that he is eminently adapted to the defense of the truth in polemics wherever such defense is needed.

Signed: T. H. Milton; W. H. Lancaster; N. F. Brooker, J. C. Blitch

