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Flavil Hall vs J. W. Buckalew (Oneness-Holiness)
April 18, 1912
Holland, Georgia

(By E.W. Moon)

Mr. Buckalew, a Holiness preacher, affirmed three direct operations of the Holy Spirit - that in the first regeneration is reached, that in the second entire sanctification and the destruction of the old man is effected, and that in the third the subjects are enabled to perform today the same signs predicted by Christ in Mk. 16:17,18

It rained continually but crowds came and interest ran high. One Baptist who came five miles to hear the debate said he planned to become a member of the church of Christ.

Mr. Buckalew is a forceful speaker. He conducted himself in a nice way and said some splendid things. He was very careful to say nothing about his proposition, for he could not define it to anyone who knew his business. Bro. Hall smothered him with scriptural negations. He followed the proposition and showed it to be utterly untrue; that the new birth, which Mr. B called "regeneration" is effected, not by a direct operation of the Spirit, but by the gospel word (Rom. 1:16; 10:6-9; Jam. 1:21) that the H. S. is the author of the gospel and puts forth his power and influence through that, as men exhort and influence by means of words; that in entrance into Christ, sanctification and the crucifixion of the old man is reached, not by a subsequent direct operation (Rom. 6:3-6) -- the signs and supernatural gifts were to be done away at the writing of the revelation of God in its fullness (I Cor. 13:13) that by the "signs" the great salvation was confirmed and they are not needed now (Heb. 2:1-3)

Bro. Hall's deportment was upon a high Christian plane. We surprised the people by showing them a scriptural discussion could be conducted without exhibiting a bad and unChristian spirit. Let us have more of such discussions and no other kind.

