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S. H. Hall vs Puckett (Baptist)
March 27, 1912
Inglewood, Tennessee

(By John Williams)

March 4th at Inglewood in Obion Co., Tenn.

Bro. Tice from Union City mod. for Hall. A Mr. Jones, of Martin, mod. for Puckett. The fight waxed so warm that the two moderators decided to enter the fight. So on Friday they discussed apostasy.

So this was a double debate. It was a clean, high toned gentlemanly debate and so reported by both sides. A report of the debate from one side is not always as faithfully made as it should be; but when both sides agree, then you have the truth. Discussion for the sake of truth, and only to learn truth, should be engage in, in every place. Debaters should be carefully selected. Always select a clean man.

