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S. H. Hall vs Mr. Morris (Congregational Church)
December, 1916
Near Pyriton, Alabama
(By Walter McMurray)

Mr. Morris is pastoring some Congregational churches in these parts, but occupies the stumbling stone or non-ordinance position.

1st day, S. H. Hall, from Atlanta, Ga. affirmed that water baptism is a part of the new covenant and brings the believing penitent into Christ where all the promises of God are. This he sustained by typical and prophetical references, clinched by the direct teaching of Christ and the apostles.

2nd day, for four hours Morris affirmed that water baptism was a type under the ceremonial law of Moses and was typical of Holy Spirit baptism and was abolished when the law as abrogated. Mr. Morris was more courageous than other sectarians. He is a man of natural ability and force and probably did much better in defense of his position than any other advocate could have done. He assumed, without one iota of proof, that water baptism was a type and, therefore, passed away with the typical law. He set the date of its passing at A.D. 64. But when Hall showed that the law had its end at the cross of Christ, he could not meet the issue and failed to try.

Morris felt his defeat. At first he refused to discuss the mode of baptism with bro. Hall either then or later. He tried at the opening of the 2nd day to amend his affirmation to include the mode of baptism, but Hall held him to his original proposition, stating that he would discuss that issue at any time convenient to Morris. He had enough and refused to debate Hall anymore.

I believe that ministers should preach a full gospel, clearly setting forth its facts, commands and promises in a thought provoking manner, and get the people where they will demand of their preachers a public defense of their doctrines in joint discussion.

