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Hugh E. Garrett vs James Bassett (Nazarene)
May 28, 1925
Columbus, Georgia

(By A. S. Landis)

May 14-15, under Church of Christ tent at Columbus, Georgia. Bro. Garrett holding a revival and Nazarene preacher took exception to things preached about holiness.

Bassett affirmed (1) The Bible teaches that a man can and does live in a state of sinless perfection. (2) The Bible teaches that Christians today receive a literal baptism of the Holy Spirit which burns up their carnal nature and leaves them without a desire to sin. Garrett denied.

Two Nazarene preachers conducted the debate. They saw only one kind of sin, and that was lying, stealing, murder and that sort. They used their old-line argument that a sinning Christian would be like a white black bird, an honest thief, a truthful liar. Bro. Garrett met every argument with scriptures. The Nazarenes put more confidence in Webster's Dictionary than in the Bible. Bro. Barrett upheld the Bible. He used it in a forceful way in defense. His strong rebuttal had a strong effect on the audience. He administered withering rebukes to men who would wrest or twist the scriptures; but he remained courteous and never once used objectionable language.

This was Bro. Garrett's first debate; but it would be hard to find a man who could produce more scripture in a shorter period of time. He asked several legitimate questions which were not answered. He answered all questions addressed to him. He used none of the arts of the professional debater, but met every argument "head on". He impressed his hearers with his familiarity with the Bible, losing no time locating scriptures. Many complimentary things were said by sectarians, some of them Nazarenes. Several sectarian preachers were present.

Mr. Weir moderated for Mr. Bassett. Mr. Harrison moderated for Mr. Weir. A. S. Landis moderated for Garrett. The Methodists praised Garrett.

