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E. C. Fuqua vs J. D. Curtis (Mormon)
April 14, 1910

On March 23 - Reorganized Church of Christ, Latter-Day Saints.

The church proposition discussed. Elder Shope, their "prophet" here, moderated for Curtis. John D. Evans moderated for Fuqua, who affirmed for four evenings. Bro. Fuqua completely destroyed Mormon doctrine. On the third day the debate ended suddenly. Elder Curtis had claimed to believe the Bible. So completely defeated was he that he denied the Bible (Mormons believe in the Mormon Bible and the Bible). Bro. Fuqua had used the Bible to destroy Mormonism.

The moderator for Curtis said the proposition stood or fell by the Bible and he was willing for his Mormon doctrine to stand the test. But not so Elder Curtis. He had already tried that and failed. He finally offered to accept the Bible as inspired through the remainder of the discussion, but no longer. This was rather a peculiar position to be placed in after having put himself on record as denying it. He also proposed to accept it as the standard, so far as it was correctly translated. This would have involved a re-translation of the book, and we felt that would have been too great an undertaking for this debate, so we adjourned SINE DIE.

The "Reorganized Church" has 300 members in Denver - just completed a handsome "temple" which held the debate.

The brethren were pleased with Bro. Fuqua's defense of the truth and exposition of error. He never at any time introduced Joe Smith into the debate, but relied absolutely upon the word of God. I have attended many debates, but never heard a stronger defense of the truth and a more complete exposure of error.

