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A. G. Freed vs Ben Bogard
February 10, 1927

(By F. B. Srygley)

Six propositions and twelve nights debate. Bogard affirmed salvation by faith before baptism. He based affirmation entirely on "both everlasting life" - "is passed from death unto life." Bogard makes no distinction between faith that has obeyed and faith that has not obeyed, between active and inactive faith - between living and dead faith. No distinction between salvation from past sins and salvation in heaven. As an affirmative debater, Bogard shows cowardice by holding back his arguments as long as he can and forces his opponent into the affirmative. Bro. Freed walks in boldly and lays his arguments for his opponent to examine.

On baptism, Bogard denied inspiration of Mark 16:16 - used it freely in debate with Penick. (See Hardeman - Bogard). Bogard tried to answer Mark 16:16. He used a sentence: "He that enters a train and takes a seat shall reach Memphis." (See Hardeman - Bogard)

Bogard made same argument on Acts 2:38 as (Hardeman - Bogard)

[NOTE: Much of these arguments are found in Hardeman - Bogard Debate.]

I. Establishment of Church
II. Salvation by faith before baptism
III. Apostasy

(Both debaters affirmed three propositions for two days each.)

