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E. G. Creacy vs Andrew (Premillenialism)
March 3, 1938
Indianapolis, Indiana

(By E. C. Kattenbah, Indianapolis, Indiana)

E. G. Creacy - Andrews debate at Indianapolis, February 3-4 on Premillenialism resulted in a complete triumph of truth over error.

Mr. Andrews is an able exponent of this theory, an instructor of the Indianapolis Bible Institute, where this theory is taught in this city, and he is a well-known preacher of the Christian Church. He put up as strong an argument as could be expected from almost any man in defense of the theory, but Bro. Creacy's victory was so crushing that the faculty of the Institute has absolutely barred all future debates. W. L. Totty has only recently triumphed in two discussions on this same question at the same place.

The Institute began this series of debates with great enthusiasm, heralding them as opportunities to the further advancement of their teaching; but now they have suddenly waxed cold about debates and will not debate under any conditions.

The brethren in and around Indianapolis were elated. These brethren attended: C. B. Douthitt, J. M. Powell, F. L. Rowe, G. W. Hardin, Thad S. Hutson, Ben F. Taylor, James Thrasher, Fred B. Walker, Stanley Lovett, Robert Turner, Everett Murray, W. L. Totty, J. H. Gerrard, A. Dalton, Joseph Cox, Carl Flinn, E. C. Koltefah (moderated for Creacy) and the Review Publisher, the Brethren Sommers.

