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W. Clarence Cooke (Lynchburg, Tennessee) vs W. S. Ervin (Separate Baptist)
December 3, 1925
near Lynchburg, Tennessee

(By John C. Taylor)

November 3-6 near Lynchburg, Tennessee.

Bro. Cooke in first affirmative showed by "may infallible proofs" that baptism is one of the conditions of pardon to the alien sinner. Mr. Ervin gave a verse that says a man is saved by faith (Romans 5:1). Bro. Cooke showed that man is justified by faith, but denied that he is justified by faith only. To Romans 5:1 Bro. Cooke showed that the walls of Jericho fell down by faith (Hebrews 11:30), but it was seven days after that faith came. It led them through seven days of obedience to God. So Paul was justified by faith three days after that faith came - after it (his faith) led him through three days of repentance and the waters of baptism. He showed that Paul had no peace with God during the three days immediately following the appearance of the Lord to him.

Mr. Ervin on apostasy reasoned that since God does all in his power to save his children, none can be lost. To this Cooke replied by showing that God does all in his power to save all men (John 3:16); and that, if the fact that God does all in his power to save his children proves that none of them will be lost, and, hence, all mankind will be saved. Bro. Cooke said little children are born into the world children of God, because they have a spirit of which God is the Father (Hebrews 12:9); and since all mankind were once infants, all were in a safe state. From this Cooke reasoned that the lost sinner is simply a fallen child of God, and is a servant of the devil only as a result of serving the devil (Romans 6:16). Since all were once heirs of God and many grow up to manhood and womanhood and enter the "broad way" (Matthew 7:13) Mr. Ervin's position could not be true.

This was Bro. Cooke's first debate, but he did as fine work as I have ever witnessed. He is humble, sincere, and kind; but at the same time he is severe, because his work is done in the power of the gospel.

