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James R. Cope vs L. H. Brown (Missionary Baptist) (Jackson, Tennessee)
October 28, 1948
Huntingdon, Tennessee

(By James P. Miller)

September 6-11 at courthouse in Huntingdon, Tennessee.

I moderated for Bro. Cope as my work allowed and Bro. G. E. Woods, Union City, Tennessee filled in the other sessions in a very able way. First day Brown established Missionary Baptist Church in mountains of Galilee, and ran true to form in mixing and confusing the scriptures to prove his point. Bro. Cope ably pointed out that the church was to begin at Jerusalem, and could not begin until the day of Pentecost. Cope not only knew the truth on this question, but knew Brown's arguments as well. He successfully proved to anyone with an open mind and an open Bible that the Church of Christ began in Jerusalem, and the Missionary Baptist Church was unknown to the New Testament.

The second period of two days was devoted to the necessity of baptism; and although Cope was strong on all propositions, many brethren felt like this was his masterpiece. He wrote I Peter 3:21 on the board, "that baptism doth now save us," and then wrote the Baptist doctrine, that it does not save us, under it and challenged Brown to tell him which was the word of God. I have never seen a Baptist suffer as Brown suffered.

On apostasy (fourth day) all the standard Baptist arguments were made and refuted. Bro. Cope not only showed that one could fall from grace, but the children of God had done so.

Bro. Cope has a future on a wide basis as a defender of the truth. He knows the Bible, he knows Baptist doctrine, and he is not afraid to speak out for the teaching of Jesus. As a debater, whenever and wherever men will need champions to contend for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints, they will be eternally grateful that the Lord has raised up such a man as James Cope.

