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R. L. Calley vs C. F. Parker (Primitive Baptist)
December 10, 1925
Skullbone Meeting House

(By Coleman Overby)

Near Bradford, Tennessee at Skullbone meeting house November 24-27. Subjects: Unconditional salvation, Apostasy.

The debate was conducted on a high plane. It showed that friends and neighbors can meet together and discuss religious differences without anger. Each debater fought earnestly for his cause. The house was packed each session. C. F. Parker is far above the average debater. His strongest work is in saying little about an argument, in getting the audience to think he has said much about the issue, in diverting the hearer's mind away from what has been presented, and in asking his opponent such questions as will raise up a barrier between him and the people. In this respect he is unique. However, this is by no means a compliment to his honesty; it only shows a conscious effort on his part to evade the truth.

Bro. Calley labored hard to get the truth before the people. He always debates with his hands over the table, and never resorts to traps to ensnare his opponent. It is truth first and last, with him. The brethren well pleased with Bro. Calley.

Coleman Overby moderated for Calley. Parker's father moderated for Parker.


