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A. O. Calley vs H. B. Taylor (Baptist)
December 17, 1908
Eureka, Kentucky
(By Joe Ratcliffe)

Debate at Eureka, Kentucky November 24-27.

Mr. Taylor is one of ablest debaters the Baptist have in this country. He is a scholar and gentleman and did all in his power to sustain his doctrine. Bro. Calley, who is his equal in every way, met him in his kind but earnest way at every point with the scriptures and with such clearness and power that not only the audience but Mr. Taylor as well must have felt that he was suffering an overwhelming defeat. It was my first time to hear Bro. Calley in debate. He is kind, earnest, and loyal to the Bible. The brethren were delighted with his manly defense of the truth. I believe him to be able to successfully meet any man in their part of the country, who does not hold the truth, in debate. Brethren, if you need him, send for him; and if he does not give satisfaction, sue me for damages.

Propositions: Establishment of church; Baptism for Remission of Sins; Apostasy.

