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G. C. Brewer vs L. R. Robinson (Universalist)
December 18, 1913
Chattanooga Courthouse

(By S. H. Hall)

Debated in assembly hall at courthouse in Chattanooga, December 1-4.

Brewer was minister of Central Church of Christ, and Robinson pastor of Universalist church. Both lived in Chattanooga. Brewer affirmed: "The Bible (and reason) teaches that those who die in their sins will suffer endless punishment." Robinson affirmed: The Bible and reason teach the final salvation of all mankind.

Robinson was new at debating but presented his arguments with clarity and force. But the kindest feelings existed between the debaters. One of the rules in Hedge's Logic: "The parties should mutually consider each other as standing on a footing of equality in respect to the subject in debate. Each should consider the other as possessing equal talents, knowledge, and a desire for truth with himself; and that it is possible, therefore, that he may be in the wrong and his adversary in the right."

The two debaters kept the debate on a high plane. Not an unkind look or word. At times a gentle ripple of laughter ran over the audience. At the last session this was asked: "All who believe that this discussion has been conducted in harmony with the spirit of Christ and has been a spiritual uplift to you in Bible study please arise to your feet." Every person stood.

But the strength of Bro. Brewer has never been excelled. It was due to (1) His staying with God in prayer, (2) his staying with the Bible in his study. His masterly handling of scriptures was talked on the streets and commented  by Chattanooga Times. Dr. Roger moderated for Robinson, was a lively old man of 70 years. Hall insisted on having another debate and this one in Atlanta. Preachers there: L. B. Jones, Flavil Hall, T. D. Rose, A. B. Blazer, and Don Carlos Jones.

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