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I. B. Bradley vs W. D. Hargrove (Missionary Baptist)
March 27, 1924

(By R. B. Henry)

March 11-14 at place near Dover, Tennessee.

The best of feelings prevailed. Bro. Bradley manifested the meek and humble spirit of Jesus, proving to the audience that he is indeed a Christian. He is powerful in handling the word of God. His arguments were clear and conclusive. Elder Hargrove showed his inability to answer arguments by his silence. He accused us of teaching baptismal regeneration. He said that we emphasize water at the expense of blood. Bro. Bradley showed him he had a bad case of theological hysteria, and soothed his mind by assuring him that we never thought nor taught that all the waters of both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans combined could, by any inherent virtue in them, wash or cleanse any man, woman or child from either guilt or pollution or in any way disarm sin of its power to condemn the transgressor. He showed that the blood of the Lamb washed away sins.

Bro. Bradley is a strong debater and fully able to take care of the truths of God.

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