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I. B. Bradley vs A. B. Cargile (Adventist)
August 2, 1923
Grant, Alabama

(By L. G. Kennamer)

Debated at Grant, Alabama. Subjects: Establishment of Kingdom, Punishment of Wicked, The Conscious Dead. The miles over poor roads to attend. Many times during the discussion the proverbial pin could have been heard had it  fallen.

The discussions were on a high plane, with all personalities and witticisms omitted. There were many people who oppose debates with great force, but the splendid order absolutely disarmed all objectors. Mr. Cargile was a good student and handled himself far above the average of his brethren. Yet he was completely submerged with the proper division and interpretation of the of the scriptures as handled by Bro. Bradley. The later was mighty in the  criptures and often astounded his hearers with his rapid speaking.

Bro. T. B. Thompson moderated for Bro. Bradley. He did so well that he was asked to preside for three days. H. M. Nipper, Baptist, moderated for Cargile two days and J. P. Mayhall, Adventist, moderated last two days.

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