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I. B. Bradley vs H. D. Rice (Missionary Baptist)
July 6, 1917
Lowes, Kentucky

(By I. B. Bradley)

July 6-9 at Lowes, Kentucky.

Rice about average with Baptist preachers. His people made mistake in putting him forward. He uses same material as other Baptists but was not able to handle it. EX. He would give the Greek construction and analysis of a passage and make no argument on it. When hard pressed he ignore arguments or passed them with a sarcastic reference.

The debate was smooth and pleasant. Mr. Rice was ugly once: referred to Alexander Campbell as "your ecclesiastical daddy" but his moderator, Tom Dennington, stopped him. The crowds were good and hospitality great. Several Baptist preachers attended and twelve Christian preachers. Mr. Rice said before debate, he would challenge Bro. Bradley again. He failed to ask for a chance to "cross swords" again.

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