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I. B. Bradley vs J. E. Skinner (Missionary Baptist)
March 4, 1915
Jordan Springs, Montgomery County, Tennessee

(By C. E. W. Dorris)

Jordan Springs, Montgomery County, Tennessee, February 16-20.

J. E. Skinner (Missionary Baptist) of Nashville, Tennessee affirmed: "The scriptures teach close or restricted communion as generally taught and practiced by the Missionary Baptist Church. " Usual proposition discussed on baptism, Holy Spirit, Apostasy.

The usual arguments made by both sides and the disputants were pleasant and cordial and congenial all through the debate. The moderators had nothing to do but keep time. The discussion was conducted in such a kind spirit that it not only convinced the people that two men who are gentlemen indeed can debate without creating a bad spirit between neighbors, but actually killed to a great degree a bad feeling which had previously been created. The two men showed that a debate is not a dog fight. Skinner said there was not an apostolic church on earth - admitting the Baptist church was not apostolic.

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