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I. B. Bradley and Baptists
August 23, 1906

Lancaster, Smith County, Tennessee

At Lancaster, Smith County, Tennessee, July 1.

Van A. Bradley and his brother I. B. Bradley preached here. The Baptists got stirred - interest great - people on streets with Bible and discussing the sermons. The Baptists banded together to hinder meeting - started revival nearby. Bradleys kept on - proposed to meet any Baptist debater.

Baptists grew angry and did not want to talk of debate. Matter pressed. Baptists assumed the right to word the proposition. One was: agree in writing to teach nothing not taught in Bible School at Nashville, and to abide by its ruling in everything. To this we objected and said, "We will agree to abide by the word of God and teach only what it teaches." They refused then to have any discussion. The people of the community saw the Baptists' bluff backfire. They wanted to bluff and then crow. Five heads of families baptized.

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