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E. M. Borden vs A. U. Nunnery (Baptist)
March 16, 1916

(By E. P. Watson)

Debate at Prospect Baptist Church, half way between Wildersville and Parsons, Tennessee.

Mr. Nunnery affirmed for two days the Baptist Church. He stated that the Baptist could trace their line back to personal ministry off Christ and challenged Brother Borden to bring up history to the contrary. Borden was more than equal to the occasion, and Mr. Nunnery soon began to beg off from history. Mr. Nunnery is well posted in Baptist doctrine, but not in Bible doctrine and is very poor in logic.

Mr. Nunnery admitted during the debate: (1) That the church contains the redeemed in the aggregate, (2) that we are baptized into Christ figuratively, (3) that a man can be a Christian and in God's family and not be in the Baptist Church, (4) that a man can go to heaven and not believe Baptist doctrine, (5) that Campbell only organized a local assembly, (6) that God adds people to his family, (7) that the sinner may receive the Spirit before conversion, (8) that we (Church of Christ) have a change of heart before baptism, (9) that the Baptist Church is not God's family, (10) that "eis aphesin hamartion" means "in order to" in Acts 2;38, (11) that the conversion of the eunuch is contrary to Baptist doctrine.

Mr. Nunnery failed to meet these: (1) that the heart in Matthew 15:18-20 is the inner man. He said it was heart of flesh. (2) Babies are born under just condemnation, but did not give chapter or verse that says they are saved if they die. (3) Would not touch at Matthew 7:21.

The debate carried on in nice spirit. Large crowds - people were kind and cared for visitors. J. C. Cooper of Hollow Rock, Tennessee moderated for Nunnery. E. P. Watson moderated for Borden.

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