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Bogard's Regard for C. R. Nichol
February 28, 1952

(By C. R. Nichol)

"I enjoyed the confidence of Mr. Bogard. On more than one occasion, when he and some of my brethren could not agree on wording propositions for debate, Mr. Bogard wrote them: 'Write to C. R. Nichol and ask him to write my propositions, and I will agree to affirm exactly what he says is Baptist doctrine on any point.' I did write propositions, and he accepted them."

On one occasion when I was in debate with Mr. Bogard, he was anxious to reach an engagement, and to do so, it was necessary for him to leave before I made my last speech. He stated publicly that he was leaving, with not a fear: 'Mr. Nichol is a gentleman, he knows what I teach, and will in no sense misrepresent me on Baptist doctrine. I am leaving before Mr. Nichols makes his last speech. He will do the right thing; and I expect to meet him in heaven when all our work here is done.

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