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W. T. Boaz vs Horton (Seventh-Day Adventist)
November 19, 1908
Nashville, Tennessee

(By H. Leo Boles)

This discussion held at the Seventh-Day Adventist church, corner of Fifth and Fatherland Streets, Nashville, Tennessee.

Mr. Horton affirmed: "The Sabbath of the decalogue is in force under the Christian dispensation and is binding on Christians and the scriptures so teach." "Rules of Controversy" found in Hedge's Logic were agreed upon to govern the speakers. The first rule is: "The terms, in which the question in debate is expressed and the precise point at issue, should be so clearly defined that there could be no misunderstanding respecting them." But Horton did not define a single term the first night. To much time was lost.

Mr. Horton argued that the "Sabbath is a token of God's everlasting covenant with man." He quoted Genesis 2:2-3 showing that God "hallowed" or sanctified, or set apart the seventh day as a day of rest. Bro. Boaz answered this two ways: (1) If the Sabbath was brought over into the Christian dispensation, it also taught that animal sacrifices were brought over also. (2) Boaz quoted Nehemiah 9:13-15, at Mt. Sinai God made known his holy Sabbath to the children of Israel. This proves that God had not made it known to the Jews before the law of Moses was given, and the people did not know about the Sabbath. Bro. Boaz pressed Horton in every speech to show one passage of scripture where God taught a Gentile in any age to keep the Sabbath day. Neither would Horton tell how to "observe the Sabbath." Boaz asked twenty questions and Horton never answered any.

Boaz showed by 2 Corinthians 3:7-11 that that which was written on tables of stone was done away; that the Ten Commandments including the Sabbath law, were written on tables of stone and hence done away.

Horton is a smooth, pleasant speaker and with the truth on his side, would be a good exponent of the same. Bro. Boaz is a splendid debater, knowing full well how to meet the sophistry of error and false doctrine. Large crowds attended. The brethren were well pleased with Bro. Boaz.

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