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W. T. Boaz vs H. B. Taylor (Missionary Baptist)
April 26, 1906
Cottage Grove, Tennessee

(By J. S. Haskins)

At Cottage Grove, Tennessee, March 27, for four days.

Taylor, Murray Kentucky affirmed: "The Bible teaches that the true believer receives remission of sins before baptism." W. T. Boaz, Hazel, Kentucky affirmed: "The Bible teaches that the church of the New Testament was set up, or established on the first Pentecost after the resurrection of Christ."

The debate was well attended and on high plane. Taylor is regarded by his people as being a man of considerable ability, more especially in points of education. His conduct and general deportment were good, and he made a very earnest effort to meet Bro. Boaz's arguments but his position being in opposition to the truth, he failed.

"I have attended a number of debates, but I think this was one of the most successful that I have ever attended." Bro. Boaz' arguments were unanswerable. He is certainly a strong man in debate - - logical and pointed in his arguments and a forcible speaker. As Paul said of Timothy, he is my son in the gospel.

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