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W. T. Boaz vs W. M. Rudolph (Missionary Baptist)
January 3, 1901
Cuba, Kentucky

(By T. A. Smith)

Debate at Cuba, Kentucky December 4, 1900.

Mr. Rudolph is from Wingo, Kentucky is 30 years old, well educated and has preached for ten years. He has been prominent for five years in controversy in the Baptist papers. He was driven from every position he took on the operation of the Holy Spirit. He went to Cornelius where he received the miraculous outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Bro. Boaz showed they spoke with tongues as a consequence of this miraculous power and said if that was necessary to Christian baptism there was not a Baptist on earth baptized today.

In the case of Balaam, the ass had this miraculous power. Rudolph said Cornelius was converted by it, and Bro. Boaz said Balaam's beast was also converted by it. In all Boaz made twelve arguments that were distinct and supported by a host of scriptures. His method is to make few arguments and fortify them well. Mr. Rudolph felt the force of his arguments. Then he said we were saved just as babies are saved. Boaz said infants were not in a lost state, but if that is true, what do we have? The infant has no faith, no repentance, no love for or trust in God, no change in heart; consequently the adult must have none of these things; making salvation unconditional, therefore driven from conditional to unconditional salvation; therefore the Missionary Baptist platform goes to the wall. Mr. Rudolph said he meant the infant and adult were born into the favor of God just alike. Then Boaz said it still made salvation unconditional. Rudolph feeling his defeat said he would like to debate Boaz again. Boaz arose and agreed to furnish the place. Bro. A. O. Calley said, "Cottage Grove is the place." Mr. Rudolph asked, "What made you do that?" and brought down the house with laughter. The debate was pleasant.

Cuba was the battle ground of J. N. Hall and E. C. L. Denton some ten years ago. Hall was overbearing towards Denton. Such an attitude turned the old members against debates. For years they did not want debates. But Rudolph laid the task upon the Church of Christ at Cuba for almost two years. Bro. Boaz held a meeting there this year, and the young people, with the new members he had converted, were anxious for him to meet Rudolph, so the young people on both sides got up the debate in the spirit of investigation.

Bro. Boaz is 26 years old. Five years ago he had never read a chapter in the Bible; however, he was a member of the Missionary Baptist church. Has preached four years. He has held five debates. He has acquired a fair knowledge of the English language is a fine speaker, presents arguments logically, and is quick at repartee. He is capable of meeting any fair man in debate. No danger of cause suffering in his hands crowds were very large and much interest manifested. Much good will result. Cuba is Boaz's home.

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