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Bynum Black vs F. S. Croswell (Adventist)
January 15, 1925
Hilltop, Oklahoma

(By H. G. Barnett)

At Hilltop, Oklahoma (between Stuart and Clavin) state evangelist F. S Croswell of Adventist and Bro. Black. Croswell said to be best debater in Oklahoma. Bro. Black showed that the kingdom was fully established on Pentecost. Croswell (like other Seventh-Day Adventists) said kingdom would be set up at second coming off Christ. Black proved it came on Pentecost. He showed Christians were in it (Hebrews 12:28; Revelation 1:6; Colossians 1:13).

Mr. Croswell denied that Matthew 13:31 "The Kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed" had reference to the kingdom. Black had pressed him to tell how the kingdom could grow if not established until second coming of Christ. He also denied that the little stone of Daniel 2:35-44 had reference to the kingdom. In both instances he declared the mustard seed and the stone had reference to Christ. Bro. Black made his attack so withering that it showed on the faces of the Adventists. After six hours on this subject of the kingdom, Black asked Croswell several times to get up and name one point that he thought he had made against his position. Croswell sat still as a tombstone.

Then Croswell affirmed: "Man is wholly, entirely mortal." He made all the arguments materialists make. Bro. Black made the strongest negative fight on this that it has ever been my pleasure to hear or read. He answered every argument made and then submitted twenty negative arguments founded solidly on the word of God. None who heard that proposition, who believe the Bible, went away doubting that man has a spirit, or soul, in him which does not die at the death of the body, but will live in some state through all eternity. It was clear that Croswell was denying the plain teachings of prophets, apostles, and Jesus Christ.

The brethren were delighted at the results. Calls came to repeat the debate as far away as Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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